#Deep freeze software will not open update
Enable Windows Update service as a workaround
#Deep freeze software will not open install
Unable to install apps from the Windows App Store once Deep Freeze is installed. Installing Deep Freeze on workstations in some circumstances results in slow login when in a Frozen state Installation of Deep Freeze workstation fails if user login name contains double byte characters Unable to activate computers that do not have network cards enabled On 64-Bit Systems: Network Drive should not be listed in the drop-down list on ThawSpace configuration page while installing Deep Freeze DFInstall.log file does not have error entry, when silently installing workstation with ThawSpaces to be hosted on StorageSpace Announcements are displayed as ‘New’ every time workstation reboots when in Frozen state BSOD occurs on reboot on Windows 8 and higher computers with single or multiple NTFS Storage Spaces 11387 NTFS Storage Spaces not supported. Resolved an issue where, if scheduled workstation task crossed midnight, the next scheduled tasks did not get performed on workstation Resolved an issue where users were not able to log on after installing Deep Freeze on client machines Resolved an issue where the user was able to boot into Advanced Boot Options from Frozen state Resolved an issue where the system crashed when some specific software was installed on Deep Freeze workstation (such as PUBG, Fortnite, Easy Anti-Cheat, BattlEye) Resolved an issue where Windows Updates on demand task was interrupted if it crossed midnight and overlapped with scheduled task with defined end time Microsoft officially ended Windows XP support on Apand Server 2003 support on July 14, 2015. To ensure Deep Freeze continues to take advantage of the latest technologies, Faronics is officially dropping XP and Server 2003 support in this version of Deep Freeze. The file will be automatically downloaded from the specified location and launched on the computer. Instead of specifying an existing file path for Remote Launch, now you have the option to specify a web URL or FTP location. ps1 file types via the Remote Launch and Push & Launch actions in the In addition to Security, Critical, and Feature updates, choose to install all types of updates when downloading Windows updates from Microsoft (vs.

Click the Pause or Play button in the Deep Freeze Schedules grid Choose to pause or resume Scheduled Tasks in the Cloud Console.

Option available for Reboot Thawed or Reboot Thawed Locked action Set the number of Thawed reboots from the Cloud Console. Change log not available for this version